what make ur life better?
what part of ur life make u more happier?
what word that make u remember it forever?
why you choose him/her?
why he/she annoying you?
why u choose this kind of path? (single,married,relationship)
who will decide either he/she is the one?
who make you believe in love?
who the first know that u in love?
when will you decide to get married?
when will you tell him that you're Mr/miss right?
when you will never stop seeing someone beside ur lover?
will you marry him/her? why?
will you ever dumped him/her coz of someone else?
will you let him/her go coz ur parents told so?
if u ever loved someone:
1) person didn't notice u
2) person have a bf/gf
3) u just seeing him/her but u never talk to her/him?
pick one... gay/penkid or someone husband/wife?
tagge to everybody have falling in love... now in love.. had in love...