this weekend nak pergi Street Carnival @ PJ... Admission free ok.. just ada booth n so on.. everything about music.. carnival ney every year ader.. last year ader kat dataran shah alam... thn ney kat PJ.. lagi dekat.. haahahah
Nak tahu pasal event ney.. just click the title.. will link to the event page...
tp ader beberapa concert anjuran carnival ney ak x boleh join....
1. Islamic Song Festival
Date : 3-4 July 2010
Venue : Malawati Stadium Shah Alam
Time : 6pm-12am (including evening prayer)
Ticket price: 23,38,53
Nak join
* tp ak x boleh pergi.. sbb ak pi antar barang balik umah sewa (melaka) n direct pergi balik Muar...
2. GO-11 concert
Admission: Free
Date: 11 July
Venue: Padang timur @ PJ
Time: 3pm-12am
*tp x leh pergi.. sebab ak dah balik melaka lah.. esok dah start kelas... n world cup pun dah abis... pandaikan lecturer ak.. world cup abis br start kelas..
3. Malaysia Rhythm concert
Performers : M.Nasir, Zainal Abidin, Dayang Norfaizah, Stacy AF, Point Blank, Jaclyn Victor, Reshmonu
A potpourri of Malaysian music denoting the various races presented in a unique style that will resonate across all segments of the Malaysian society.
Place: Kelana Jaya Stadium, Petaling Jaya
Date: July 17
time: 8.45pm and end at 11.00pm
Ticket:RM15 & RM30
* x boleh pergi sebab dah janji ngan adah n dylla pergi mandi kat Ledang @ kenduri kawen @ Segamat...
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.