Thursday, April 22, 2010

I've got award...

Tapi macam biasalah, mestilah ada assignment yang kena buatkan.. ...

Task given as below: (Copy paste jer)

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself.

First task:

Thanks kpd k idah.. sbb bg ak ward ney... so please go this website to wanna know about her k...

Second task:

I'll love to give this award to:

1. Ana
2. Ami
3. K Yan
4. Azah
5. Nan
6. K. Haz
7. Farah

Third task:

Okay i will ctc them...

Fourth task:

7 thing about me...

Aku aderlah anak keempat drpd empat adek beradik.. that means ak anak bongsu... heheeh... n....

Ak skang belajar kat Utem... kalu sesaper x tahu.. kat melaka okay.. durian tunggal nu... n ak amik electronik... (wireless comm).. so ak lah senior.. sbb ini kos br k... ak x taw lagi aper yg wireless nyer kte org nie.. sbb ak ader lagi setahun kaat utem tuh.. x sabarnya nak abis..

Ak berbintang Leo... mewakili ak aderlah lion.. thats mean mengaum jer.. huhu.. aper yg korang perlu tahu pasal leo ney... kami mempunyai ego yg tinggi.. tp ttp ada kebaikannya k.. antaranya ialah...Padahal ak tanya mr google jer...

The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise you Leos have an air of royalty about you. Some Leos even have hair resembling the thick mane of the Lion. But Lions are more than roar, for they are truly magnificent beasts. The Lioness proudly cares for the young, hunts and takes care of survival with relentless intent and ferocity, when needed. And proud are you Leo! Perhaps that's why Leo often chooses work that puts you in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation.

Leo are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others. Leo are a magnanimous leader and a faithful servant. Once scorned in love, however, Leo will withdraw your affections and the light, once brilliant, can go cold.

Leo motto might be "What you see is what you get." You tend to live your live straightforwardly and with a flair for drama. In fact, many Leos are attracted to the theater, the performing arts and public relations, for you truly understand the importance of putting on a good presentation. As you blaze gloriously through your life, remember to take time to acknowledge the feelings of those around you. If you forget, you could unconsciously hurt someone you love. But, if you remain aware your impact, others can benefit from your presence.

Element: Fire
Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn't plan it next move; it isn't logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The fire of Leo is brilliant and intense. It's like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day and whose heat continues to build over a period of time.

Leo Greatest Strength: Your playful and loving nature

Leo Possible Weakness: Need for approval can become too important Wondering how you can maximize your strengths and overcome your weaknesses

Ak ney suka aktiviti lasak.. n x reti duk diam jer.. ak lebih suka kerja yg boleh ak bergerak.. even dlm bangunan jer... so.. semua aktiviti lasak i loike lah kan... huwawawa..

ak sekarang tgah cuti sem... beshnyer... huwawawa... sedang berehat... sebab lepas ney kenee bekerja keras.. sbb ader finale project.. takot woo... ceh.. padahal masuk sem.. bergelak sakan jert tau...

ak suka warna merah n oren.. kenapa.. ak pun xtau.. tp ak plg suka warna hitam.. hehhehe.. sebab hitam adalah misteri..

ak nak pergi bercuti.. saper nak ikut.. hahahahaha...

okie dokie...